Letters to the Editor

To submit a letter to the editor, please email your submission to letters@ljworld.com or mail it to Box 888, Lawrence KS 66044. Letters should be 250 words or less, be of public interest and should avoid libelous language. The Journal-World reserves the right to edit letters, as long as viewpoints are not altered. Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer.

Letter to the editor: Affordable housing for less?

To the editor: The Town Talk column from June 30 concerning a proposed 250-unit housing project’s request for a sales tax exemption on construction materials reminded me of a description used by Paul Romer, 2018 Nobel Prize winner in economics. That description had to do with his concern ...

Letter to the editor: Voting Trump

To the editor: Most of your letters to the editor express far left views. But in the interest of freedom of speech I would like to tell you why I am voting for Donald Trump. I liked his policies; my life was so much better when he was president. People were working. People were happy. The ...

Letter to the editor: Presidents are not above law

To the editor: The recent Supreme Court decision in Trump v. United States (the caption really says it all) deserves a swift and helpful Motion for Reconsideration from the government. The opinion wears its fatal — not to say “lethal” — flaw on its face: It is unclear. The majority ...

Letter to the editor: The balloon has popped

To the editor: The balloon of deceit, lies, unfaithfulness and lawlessness ran up against a jury armed with facts. And the balloon popped. And when that happened all those hanging on to the string dropped too. What should they do? Donald Trump says the jury decision doesn’t count, it’s ...

Letter to the editor: Protect our democracy

To the editor: Simple stuff first. Democracy isn’t about who’s right; it’s about what the majority thinks is right. And losing doesn’t require changing minds, just accepting the will of the majority and its right to choose our course. So, two things. First, thing one. Each woman ...

Letter to the editor: Keep religion where it belongs

To the editor: What is constitutional? This question consumes us these days. But one answer is certain. Requiring students to read the Bible in public schools is unconstitutional. Our country’s Founding Fathers knew the importance of freedom of religion and wrote it into the first ...