Letters to the Editor

To submit a letter to the editor, please email your submission to letters@ljworld.com or mail it to Box 888, Lawrence KS 66044. Letters should be 250 words or less, be of public interest and should avoid libelous language. The Journal-World reserves the right to edit letters, as long as viewpoints are not altered. Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer.

Letter to the editor: Play it safe, please

To the editor: Regarding the 4-to-3 reduction in firefighters, are decisionmakers forgetting that a Southern Star natural gas transmission line weaves its way through Lawrence? I saw the diameter of that line when pipe was replaced in my neighborhood several years ago. It was sobering. And ...

Letter to the editor: KU’s track coach is outstanding

To the editor: The University of Kansas and the Lawrence community should be awfully proud of KU's head track and field coach, Stanley Redwine, for the outstanding job he and his coaching staff did at the recent Olympic Games in Paris. Coach Redwine has consistently done an exceptional job ...

Letter to the editor: Man vs. policies

To the editor: I hear people justify voting for Donald Trump by saying they don’t like the man but they like his policies. Remember, when you vote, you get the man you don’t like, regardless. You may or may not get the policies. Thomas Seaman, Lawrence

Letter to the editor: Morning again

To the editor: A recent syndicated column by Rich Lowry carried the statement that Kamala Harris was just the cardboard cutout of a politician. That’s what we expect from Lowry, who is just the cardboard cutout of a real King Features columnist! Commentators who were banking on ...

Letter to the editor: August atrocities

To the editor: This month marks the 161st anniversary of two Civil War atrocities, one in Lawrence, the other in what’s called the Burnt District in western Missouri. We are painfully aware of the Lawrence massacre, William Quantrill’s surprise attack on Lawrence when 400 guerillas ...

Letter to the editor: Keep it at four

To the editor: I am writing to express my concerns that our city manager is proposing to reduce the number of firefighters available to respond to emergencies. When my husband was fire chief his main goal was to keep his staff, citizens and businesses in Douglas County safe. Having four ...