Lawrence Journal-World subscriptions

Already a Journal-World print subscriber?
Activate your digital access now, at this link.
Need to make a payment on your print subscription bill? You can log in and pay online at this link using the same email address and password associated with your account.
All subscriptions include access to, the e-Edition and app.
Please note: Print subscriptions are only available in the local delivery area.
All subscribers have access to a digital replica of our print newspaper, the e-Edition.
Payment terms
You may change or cancel your digital subscription at any time by calling 785-843-1000. Customer Service is available from 6 AM – 5 PM Monday through Friday and 6 AM – 10 AM Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
Subscriptions renew automatically on a recurring basis – either monthly or annually. Payments are processed on the 5th, 15th or 25th. Subscriptions may charge up to 10 days before your sign-up date. When you cancel, we will stop billing for future billing cycles. You will continue to have access until the next billing cycle occurs. Subscriptions in the current billing cycle are non-refundable.
Website apps (iOS and Android)
Our apps feature the content from our websites displayed in an easy-to-read mobile format.
Stop Delivery (Vacation Hold)
If you’re going out of town and would like to stop delivery temporarily, please fill out this form or email