Letters to the Editor

To submit a letter to the editor, please email your submission to letters@ljworld.com or mail it to Box 888, Lawrence KS 66044. Letters should be 250 words or less, be of public interest and should avoid libelous language. The Journal-World reserves the right to edit letters, as long as viewpoints are not altered. Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer.

Letter to the editor: U.S. should call for a ceasefire

To the editor: Why, when a hospital in Kyiv is bombed by Russia, the United States government expresses outrage, but then sends more ammunition to Israel as it continues to bomb hospitals, schools and refugee camps in Gaza? Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on innocent civilians in Israel was barbaric ...

Letter to the editor: The greatness of America

To the editor: What “makes America great?” This question is, at bottom, the crucial issue in the upcoming presidential election, and it needs to be made clear. The traditional political parties — Republican and Democrat alike — have agreed that the greatness of America lies in the ...

Letter to the editor: Value people over profit

To the editor: For residents of Kansas long-term nursing facilities, understaffing too often endangers their health and well-being. I suspect that neither of our senators has ever had to go to bed without brushing their teeth, had their bath or shower rationed to several times weekly, or ...

Letter to the editor: Voting by party is important

To the editor: Marianne Hoffman’s July 14 letter says you should vote for the person, not the party. Here’s why she is wrong. By far the most important vote any legislator or Congressperson casts is for the chamber leader. That single vote has a controlling effect on the agenda and a ...

Letter to the editor: Why not require fire sprinklers?

To the editor: We in Lawrence are fortunate to have a high level of public services available to us, which is certainly true of fire/emergency medical services. Good public service depends on many variables. National standards are one, but these guidelines must be adapted to the specific ...

Letter to the editor: More drinking downtown? No

To the editor: Friday evening was another nearly perfect downtown jaunt. We had a lovely dinner with friends. I love cruising Mass and popping in for a snack or a meal, and hitting the shops, especially the bookstores. Yet while strolling after dinner I felt that something was missing, ...