Letters to the Editor

To submit a letter to the editor, please email your submission to letters@ljworld.com or mail it to Box 888, Lawrence KS 66044. Letters should be 250 words or less, be of public interest and should avoid libelous language. The Journal-World reserves the right to edit letters, as long as viewpoints are not altered. Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer.

Letter to the editor: Administration harmed people

To the editor: Regarding the recent letter from Clarice Dengel supporting her hero Donald Trump. Ms. Dengle says she was happy under his reign. Has she forgotten about the 352,000 fellow citizens that died of COVID in 2020 and the 353,000 that died in 2021 while Trump proclaimed the virus ...

Letter to the editor: Trump will be a dictator

To the editor: A recent letter to the editor, “Voting Trump,” cited Trump-generated lies as reasons to vote for that court-demonstrated liar, cheat, sex-abuser and felon. In response, here are some easily verifiable facts. The author claims people were happy during Trump, seemingly ...

Letter to the editor: Don’t thwart democracy

To the editor: My letter is in response to a letter dated July 3, with the title “Protect our democracy.” Republican candidates in Douglas County are emphasizing a focus on practical issues that affect the community rather than partisan rhetoric. I know this because I have spoken to them ...

Letter to the editor: The black hole of MAGA

To the editor: In the recent “Voting Trump” letter, that MAGA member repeated all the big lies that Trump tells over and over. Trump does not care about the Republican Party or our country. He’s not a Republican or a political conservative. He’s a very immature, emotionally ...

Letter to the editor: Our tax dollars being wasted

To the editor: We came to Lawrence in 1978. We moved here for KU and the quaint hometown feel. It’s a different town now. The price of gas, groceries, sales tax and vehicle taxes are at their highest and your city commissioners are proposing a large increase in property and sales taxes. ...

Letter to the editor: Education questions

To the editor: The Journal-World’s coverage of KU’s plan for competency based education (CBE) left many questions unanswered. Some information may be wrong, such as the University of Southern New Hampshire (SNHU) still offering CBE (according to Wikipedia, its CBE undergrad program ...