Letters to the Editor

To submit a letter to the editor, please email your submission to letters@ljworld.com or mail it to Box 888, Lawrence KS 66044. Letters should be 250 words or less, be of public interest and should avoid libelous language. The Journal-World reserves the right to edit letters, as long as viewpoints are not altered. Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer.

Letter to the editor: Shameful embrace of lawlessness

To the editor: Handmaidens to a criminal; astonishingly that is an accurate description of our Kansas GOP lawmakers, both federal and state. The disturbing news that Sen. Roger Marshall and the rest of the Kansas GOP climbed over one another in their rush to publicly grovel at the feet of ...

Letter to the editor: ‘Fusion voting’ makes sense

To the editor: A few years ago, I was part of an unsuccessful effort to form a new party, the Party of the Center. We wanted a home for moderate voters who didn’t feel at home with either party. We came up short of the signatures needed to be certified, often being told that people agreed ...

Letter to the editor: Save women’s sports

To the editor: I’m writing in support of women’s sports remaining women’s sports. What ever happened to the idea of making rules for the greatest good for the greatest number? The transgender population of the U.S. is somewhere between 1% and 10%. The population of women in the U.S. ...

Letter to the editor: Inform yourself & vote

To the editor: In conversations around town with my fellow Lawrencians, quite a few people have noted that they will not be voting in our primary elections. The reasons are varied, but the one that concerns me most is the idea that there is little difference between candidates of the same ...

Letter to the editor: Learn about Civil War

To the editor: Sunday, June 2, marks the 168th anniversary of a historic Civil War event. On that day in 1856, the first rounds were fired in this bloody conflict by abolitionist John Brown in the Battle of Black Jack, just 20 miles south of Lawrence. Many historians mark this event as the ...

Letter to the editor: Be safe in the water

To the editor: Autmn Bishop’s article on staying safe on the water this summer was good timing, given that the traditional start of summer is Memorial Day weekend. I did feel it fell short when it came to addressing the need to wear life jackets when boating. In a former life, I worked ...