Facebook's newly launched Promoted Posts for Pages has been causing quite the stir around the web this week. Many small business owners and bloggers took to Facebook to publicly decry the feature, type out a few choice words aimed at Zuck and to ask fans to quickly perform some steps to ...
Facebook's much anticipated IPO fell flat today on its opening day. With a mere $0.23 jump in share price, it did not make the waves that were anticipated to flood Wall Street.
Industry analysts are speculating numerous causes as to why the IPO was less than eventful. We have some ideas of ...
You’re celebrating the last stop day, the last prom, the last final and the last day you’ll be a senior.
Graduation day is almost upon us. Soon Lawrence will explode with balloons, grill outs, parents in downtown bars (yeah, we’ve seen you there), cards stuffed with money and students ...
It's a rumor, no longer. Google Drive was released today.
Google Drive has the potential to become a major resource for local start-ups, team collaborations, business owners, and even for families who like to share ...
As you probably saw last week, Facebook opened up its ginormous wallet and bought the immensely popular mobile-based app Instagram for [$1 billion][1].
And the collective social media sphere let out an “Oh, great.”
It was pretty split on whether that remark was uttered with some shred ...
A great way for businesses, groups, organizations and individuals to increase their online presence and authority on a subject is to start a blog.
However, after the blog is up and running, some common questions usually pop up.
Am I doing this right? When is the best time for me to put up ...