To submit a letter to the editor, please email your submission to or mail it to Box 888, Lawrence KS 66044. Letters should be 250 words or less, be of public interest and should avoid libelous language. The Journal-World reserves the right to edit letters, as long as viewpoints are not altered. Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer.
To the editor:
I voted straight blue Tuesday.
I realize that’s likely out of step with at least a plurality of Kansas voters. But I could never cast a ballot for any party or person supporting a presidential candidate who is a proven liar, cheat, fraud and sexual abuser; who is a ...
To the editor:
Recently at breakfast I saw a man wearing a T-shirt that said “Veterans for Harris/Walz.” It turned out he had made the shirt himself. It got me to looking around, and I was surprised at all the partisan shirts I saw. Lawrence being what it is, the messages tended to tilt ...
To the editor:
My wife and I lived in the University Place neighborhood south of campus for 21 years, from 1975 to 1996. We lived in a 1920s “bungaloid” (Dennis Domer term). During those two decades, we watched with concern as investors gobbled up single-family homes in the area for ...
To the editor:
Regarding “Secretary of State urges Kansans to hand-deliver their advance ballots” (Oct. 24 Journal-World), stating the 2017 Kansas Legislature created the three-day window to account for mail delays involving ballots from military personnel; this reason is false.
None ...
To the editor:
I am really ticked off. It turns out our state legislators and officials have been lying to us all these years about their views concerning teen pregnancy. They want more of it, not less — more young lives interrupted, more babies born into often desperate circumstances with ...
To the editor:
Ironically, the Lawrence Cares folks who were, only a few months ago, demanding the city do something about unhoused folks bothering businesses are now recommending voting “No” on the proposed 5 cents per $100 increased sales tax to continue the very programs the city ...