Letters to the Editor

To submit a letter to the editor, please email your submission to letters@ljworld.com or mail it to Box 888, Lawrence KS 66044. Letters should be 250 words or less, be of public interest and should avoid libelous language. The Journal-World reserves the right to edit letters, as long as viewpoints are not altered. Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer.

Letter to the editor: Be the light

To the editor: I heard the cries wafting through the Just Food pantry before I saw the child. It was only after the mother and her toddler son finished their shopping and arrived at my volunteer post — the checkout desk — that I noticed his tear-stained cheeks. With one arm the mom ...

Letter to the editor: A democracy?

To the editor: Now that Donald Trump has been reelected over the protests of many Americans who say no former president with pending or unresolved felony charges against him should be allowed to serve a second term, all Americans should reflect on the history of our nation and ask whether the ...

Letter to the editor: Property tax frustration

To the editor: Despite the lower “mill levy” our property taxes have increased. We are fixed-income seniors, and despite my attempts to correct our characteristics, it’s not been done. Our home is 1,900 square feet, and yet the county states we have almost 2,200 square feet and more ...

Letter to the editor: Home of the brave?

To the editor: Opinions about the main impulse behind Trump’s reelection are like belly buttons; everybody’s got one. Here’s mine. First, I don’t buy “It’s the economy, stupid.” Harris’ “soak the rich” taxes, government-subsidized first mortgages and defense of Social ...

Letter to the editor: Lies don’t help

To the editor: The pernicious lie that “Democrats abandoned the working class” — recently repeated by so-called “moderate” Republican Mike Warner — is a demonstrable falsehood; key in putting a criminal would-be dictator at the world’s apex of power. Biden took office in the ...

Letter to the editor: Resentment

To the editor: In “What I learned running as a moderate Republican,” Mike Warner’s reflections boil down to this: Affluent, privileged, liberal voters in Lawrence who elect Democrats to county offices don’t understand or care about the interests of small-business owners or ...