Letter to the editor: Don’t be fooled
To the editor:
As a retired public school educator, now a grandmother and volunteer in my “grand’s” public school, I see the importance of strong public schools. From the school nurse, classroom teacher, para educator, special education teacher, art, librarian, music and physical education, each and everyone is important, including office, cafeteria and custodial staff.
My “grand” benefited from a hearing test conducted by the public school nurse. I witnessed the efforts of the classroom teacher to teach reading, science and math. My grandchild was so proud to show me her self portrait completed in the art class. I have attended delightful music programs and heard from my grandchild what physical activities are taught in P.E. My grand loves to bring home books from the school library.
Our Kansas legislators need to fully fund our public schools, including special education. Our Kansas schools are important to our communities, whether or not you have a child in the public schools. So when you hear legislators using the terms backpack scholarships, education savings accounts, “school choice” programs, opportunity scholarships and education tax credits, just know they are all vouchers. Vouchers take money away from our public schools. Not fully funding special education takes money away from the public school district budget to make up the difference. Don’t be fooled by terms the Kansas Legislature might use to make you think it is not a voucher. What can you do? Write or call your legislator via kslegislature.gov.
Ruthe Goff,