Letter to the editor: Transform Haskell
To the editor:
The transformative, dramatic change in the Haskell Indian Nations University Improvement Act as drafted by Sen. Jerry Moran and Rep. Tracey Mann is “power with” not “power over” that has been the practice of the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs/Bureau of Indian Education. The act supports genuine Indian self-determination, lifts the spirit and highlights the importance of the federal government fulfilling the Indian treaty trust responsibilities as ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court. The act also cites the neglect of governing duties from the BIE. It is clear the Indian education system trust responsibility is broken at Haskell.
The system transformation of Haskell proposed by Moran and Mann will require time, resources and working together to provide quality and useful education to Indian students at Haskell. Moran said the “Bureau has failed to meet the basic infrastructure needs of the school.” Haskell facilities have been condemned, athletic programs slashed or eliminated, technology is antiquated, and more dormitory space is critical. Also, the Haskell wetlands are in ruin with biodiversity endangered. These wetlands are central to environmental learning and worship in Native American belief and custom.
“Haskell should be a crown jewel for both Native Americans and Kansas, but for far too long has been failed by the federal government,” Mann said. Locally, Lawrence and Douglas County will benefit and grow with Haskell’s transformation. In time, Haskell will see enrollment into several thousand and become the pre-eminent Indian learning center in the nation, if not the world. Let’s start now.
Steve Cadue,