Workshop: Real Estate & Social Media
There is no doubt that real estate is an industry well-suited for social media.
Facebook has 37.7 million users ages 35-64 (Nielsen Online) and 47% of YouTube users have an annual income over $75,000. These are powerful statistics, and speak to our feeling that social media and real estate make a perfect couple.
If you feel lost when conversations turn to tweets, blogs, wikis and RSS feeds, you’re not alone… but investing a few hours of your time in learning about the tools available, techniques for using them and strategies for social media time management can bring your online presence to a new level.
To better educate real estate professionals in our area, we’re holding a social media workshop aimed specifically at your industry.
The World Company social media team will teach you how social media can help you:
- Reach out to potential clients
- Extend your personal brand
- Better serve your clients through viral marketing
- Connect with your community in new, exciting ways
The workshop is a full day, with morning hours devoted to the basics of social media and the afternoon focusing specifically on using social media for real estate. Lunch and WiFi are provided. We encourage you to bring your laptops so we can gives you hands-on help on site!
World Company Social Media Series: Real Estate
March 9, 2010
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
645 New Hampshire
Lawrence, KS 66044
$150 single ticket
$125 when you purchase 3+
Afternoon only (inquire for prices)
Tickets are available on now!
Email with questions group discounts and afternoon-only ticket options.