Schoolhouse talk

Be a rebel: Read a banned book!

When I hear "Banned Books Week," all I can think of is [_"Fahrenheit 451"_][1], which actually has been a [challenged][2] piece of literature. Ironic, no?Anyway, [Banned Books Week 2008][3] is the 27th time the [American Library Association][4] has celebrated the freedom to express one's ...


Today, [Nielsen Mobile][1] released a "media blast," as they like to call it, on cell phone usage and - surprise! - more people are texting then talking on the phone. The average user sends 357 texts a month, compared to making 204 callsAnd - another shocker here - teens are really helping bump ...

Superintendent search is a job for the experts

[Some comments][1] on a [story I wrote][2] about the school district's decision to retain a search firm in finding a replacement for Superintendent Randy Weseman are saying it's a waste of money, a way for the school board to buck responsibility and comparing the Lawrence school district to the ...

School district promotes healthy lifestyles to students, staff

There's little debate that the dietary and fitness habits of Americans have worsened over the years. At Lawrence Memorial Hospital's annual Health Fair, dietitians showed me just how our eating habits have changed. And the school district is trying to counter some of the unhealthier trends that ...

Its, National Punctuat!on. Day?

Hello? Its [National Punctuation Day][1]. Here in the journalism world punctuation is important run-on sentences, are bad and incorrect punctuation can change the meaning of sentences commas in the wrong, place can also have that effect? Its easy to slip up and good grammar is hard to find! ...

Superintendent Search: A public event

At last night's school board meeting, board members voted to move forward in selecting a national search firm to help select a replacement for Superintendent Randy Weseman.The last time a search firm was used to find a superintendent, the district hired Kathleen Williams, whose star-crossed ...