As if the Christmas movie marketplace wasn’t already crowded enough, more awards-season contenders have come out this week than ever before.
The one real contender is probably the film no one would ever have predicted: the formally challenging financial-collapse comedy/drama **“The Big ...
There’s nothing like seeing a favorite movie from your childhood for the first time in almost 20 years to make you feel old.
That’s about how long it’s been since I saw George Lucas’ first “Star Wars.” Of course, I saw it ...
Every January when the Academy Award nominations are announced, movie fans all over the world scan the ballots to see which movies they need to catch up on. Some of the films nominated will be playing in theaters, and some will have already been released on Blu-ray/DVD, but this year there’s ...
When Kansas University Professor **John Tibbetts** began interviewing international movie directors, cinematographers, editors, composers, and others behind the camera, he always had an eye on the future.
“I intended from the outset to bring these conversations into my classrooms. I never ...
With the lyric “Meet the new boss/Same as the old boss,” The Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again” might have been a good theme song for **“The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2.”**
It applies not only to the story of reluctant hero Katniss Everdeen (**Jennifer Lawrence**) and the ...
When Oliver Stone’s “Wall Street” was released in 1987, a classic villain was born. Power-hungry corporate player Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) broke the law, got rich, and espoused that “greed, for lack of a better term, is good.”
Ninety-nine percent of America understood that ...