**“Spectre,”** the 24th official James Bond movie in the Eon Productions series, is the most “Bond” movie since **Daniel Craig** took over the lead role in 2006.
Name any quality of classic Bond — stylish costumes, international locations, outlandish action scenes, martinis, slick ...
Where do you draw the line when a movie is based on a true story?
It’s a tough question for every filmgoer to answer, and it's different with every movie. One notion however, is clear: There is a certain perspective and level of expectation when you are led to believe that the film you ...
The horror movie genre exists because people love to be scared. Take one look at a list of “horror” movies streaming online, though, and you’ll see a ton of gory slasher pictures and sequel after lame sequel that aren’t scary at all. ...
With movies like “Apollo 13,” “Saving Private Ryan,” and “Captain Phillips,” **Tom Hanks** proved himself to be the symbol of historical American heroism. Now, with the new **Steven Spielberg**-directed drama **“Bridge of Spies,”** he has firmly cemented himself as the perfect ...
Who is the Letter-Jacket Killer?
**"Hell Town,"** a soap-opera style slasher flick, will answer that question when it plays one night only at [Liberty Hall][1] on Oct. 16. Set up like three different TV episodes, this campy gorefest could be viewed as a midseason movie-length Netflix binge. ...
The biggest curse of modern romantic comedies is that they can be too clean. No, I don’t mean the absence of rough language and nudity. I’m talking about how nice and tidy — and full of crap — rom-com screenplays can be when they follow the formula but leave out the authenticity. ...