Letter to the editor: Voters still lack a good choice

To the editor:

As usual this publication has serious left slants from most every opinion columnist they post. A local letter writer recently was quick to jump on a previous letter writer because the person might vote for the person he thinks can make his life better. He is entitled to his opinion, except maybe in Lawrence.

Personally, I don’t think the American voters have a good choice. Except for some canned and obviously clipped and edited commercials, I’ve seen no direct interviews, news conferences or comments from Kamala Harris. Where is she? In a recent paper one opinion steady commented that she was handed the nomination, didn’t have to campaign or answer the hard questions often asked of the nominees. I do remember when she ran against Joe Biden as well, she wanted Medicare for all and to defund the police. So I agree about one thing: Think before you vote. I worry about this country and what my grandchildren will live in. Why no one could offer better candidates will haunt us regardless.

Connie Snow,



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