Due to a change in policy by LMH Health, the hospital no longer will provide a list of births that have occurred at LMH. Without that official information, the Journal-World no longer has a source to publish its daily listing of Lawrence births. However, parents or grandparents who want to announce the birth of a child or grandchild can run such listings — with a photo and other additional information — for a nominal fee in the Society section of Saturday’s Journal-World. Contact classifieds@ljworld.com.
Monday, Oct. 1
Faith Oyer and Kyle Kramer, Eudora, a boy.
Josh and Ashley Prescott, Lawrence, a girl.
Zachary and Rachel Ward, Lawrence, a girl.
Austin and Kaylee Hills, Lawrence, a boy.
Kevin and Jennifer Kerr, Lawrence, a boy.
Tuesday, Oct. 2
Michael and Danielle Steffen, Eudora, a ...
Saturday, Sept. 1
Claire Wilkinson and Aaron Stehman, Lawrence, a girl.
Ashley Brashier and Jarad Mundil, Lawrence, a girl.
Caleb and Emily Winters, Lawrence, a boy.
Amber Rose and Justin Stephens, Lawrence, a boy.
Zak Bucia and Ashleigh Lottinville, Lawrence, a boy.
Jonathan and Abby ...
Wednesday, Aug. 1
Annabelle Ellen Sallee, Lawrence, a girl.
Haite and Minye Wu, Lawrence, a boy.
Thursday, Aug. 2
Maya Tillman and Ernest Raytor, Lawrence, a boy.
Janice Russell and Shelton Ponder, Lawrence, a girl.
Gloria Ramirez and Mathia Jaime, Lawrence, a boy.
Chase and Caroline ...
Monday, July 2
Scott and Jana Rosborough, Lawrence, a girl.
Jennie and Michael Woods, Lawrence, a boy.
Tuesday, July 3
Jared and Summer Foster, Tonganoxie, a girl.
Julie and Chris Sullivan, Lawrence, a boy.
Thursday, July 5
Kristen Taylor, Lawrence, a girl.
Chris and Lynne ...
Friday, June 1
Tyler Robbins and Laetitia Old, Lawrence, a girl.
Saturday, June 2
Lanya Miller and John Schierling, Lawrence, a girl.
Sunday, June 3
Tyler and Haley Area, Valley Falls, a girl.
Monday, June 4
Sasanka and Kavisha Ulapane, Lawrence, a girl.
Lillian Doty and ...
Tuesday, May 01
Cathleen Roberts and Lamonte Ephriam, Lawrence, a boy.
Wednesday, May 02
Kate and Sam Elder, Lawrence, a girl.
Georgia Foster and Aoi Bowers-Maldonado, Lawrence, a girl.
Celeste and Fernando Yaluk, Lawrence, a girl.
Friday, May ...