LJWorld.com’s most-viewed stories for Thursday, May 12 and saying goodbye to Brenna

Happy rainy, cloudy Friday! I’d like to thank everyone for the feedback and constructive discussion on Thursday’s post. Based on today’s numbers, state government is what’s on your mind. Here are the most-clicked on stories and most-commented items on LJWorld.com from Thursday, May 12, 2011.
Most-viewed stories on LJWorld.com
1. Town Talk: Arts store to open in West Lawrence; Groundbreaking for Bowersock on Monday; Lawrence firm named at Top 10 Small Business for KC; Area tech showcase next week
2. Brownback: $14B budget deal ‘victory for Kansas’
3. Eudora woman sues Overland Park for discrimination related to bipolar disorder
4. Poll: Do you agree with Gov. Sam Brownback’s decision to abolish the Kansas Arts Commission?
5. Democrats argue Brownback attempting to control, influence state government agencies
Most-commented items in the past 24 hours
1. Supporters of Kansas Arts Commission vow to overturn Brownback’s decision to eliminate agency
2. Statehouse Live: Brownback wants only Republicans to approve the budget
3. Poll: Bin Laden killing was justified
4. Song Blog: It’s What Your Wearin’ !
5. LJWorld.com’s most popular stories for Wednesday, May 11 and a note about covering suicide
Adios, Brenna
Today is a sad day for the News Center staff. It’s reporter Brenna Hawley‘s last day. She’s taken a job in Kansas City (read more about it on her blog).
Brenna is a great person, friend and reporter. Also, she is (was?) our resident baker. Brenna was always bringing in trays of cupcakes, cake pops and desserts so cool you don’t even know what they are. Here is a photo of her goodbye creation. Brenna calls them “Peanut Butter Brownie Cups.” I call them “Everything Great in the World in a Single Bite.”

Here are some Jayhawk cake pops she made in March to get us in the NCAA Tournament spirit. I think a cake pop is made of cake, frosting and candy melts. These had little candy corn beaks.

These are cupcakes she made for Mark Fagan‘s daughter’s birthday party. Those are hair barrettes on top.

And some “purple velvet” cupcakes with cream cheese frosting that she made for my future sister-in-law’s bridal shower.

We’re all going to miss Brenna very much. I will not miss the five pounds I’ll likely lose after she leaves!
4:55 p.m. update
Google Analytics seems to be lagging way behind again today, so I’m not sure how accurate this data is. But here are the most-viewed stories on the website so far today. Have a great weekend, everyone!
1. Statehouse Live: Brownback wants only Republicans to approve the budget
2. Area officials support K-10 cable barriers at meeting
3. Republicans pass Kansas budget, send it to supportive governor
4. Heard on the Hill: Expansion coming to Wescoe’s Underground; students looking to universities to help with personal finance problems; graduating KU seniors to put on art show
5. Bill Self, Roy Williams to participate in Mayetta golf event on Sunday