Social Media Blog

Remember Diaspora*?

No, the asterisk in the headline doesn't point down to a disclaimer at the bottom of this page. It's actually in the name of the latest Facebook challenger, this one grounded on two ideas: That users should be able to own the information they post to social networks, and that users should be ...

New social network Unthink: First thoughts

After months of buzz and speculation, after an oh-so-trendy [promo video][1] that made the rounds on YouTube, after months of waiting for an invite, we're finally in to the beta rush for new "liberated" social network [Unthink][2]! Well, kind of. Actually, not really. But we did get to play ...

Breaking news and social media: The new status quo?

If anyone doubts the ubiquity of social media, this week's news certainly begs to differ - specifically, the death of Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi and the resulting global rush of tweets, posts and other social commentary documenting the incident. If you've been on the social web at all this ...

Social privacy roundtable: A recap

About a month ago, we held a [community roundtable][1] at the News Center to discuss the question of where social media and privacy intersect. It was a lively forum that provided us valuable feedback on social media use in our own newsroom, but it also held a wider-ranging purpose: The results ...

Will social media employee ruling set precedent?

When it comes to social media and the workplace, we're all aware that the possibility for thorny issues abounds, whether you're on the employer or employee side of the equation. And if we've been watching industry news, we can all probably point to at least a few incidents where an employee or ...

Facebook apps jungle to get a little quieter

When you log in to Facebook on Saturday (and if you're reading this, you probably will), you might notice things are a little different. Quieter, even. And if your News Feed is clogged with notifications about what your friends are doing in apps you don't care about - well, that might get a bit ...