Letter to the Editor: More hazards

To the editor:

Well, thank you, Miss Banks. You pretty well hit the nail on the head in more ways than one in your recent letter (Public Forum, Sept. 22) in regard to your fun-filled trip across town to campus. I can sense you like to live life on the edge.

Since you’re acquainted with campus, why not try the next step sometime for a real adventure? Go up there Monday through Friday and get on one of the blue Kansas University buses. Sit as close as possible to the front so you can see everything out ahead and ride it for a couple of hours, preferably in midmorning or early afternoon, just to make sure you can cross main campus at least two or three times during breaks between classes. Since you won’t be driving, you will be better able to look around more and savor the lunacy.

Another exciting adventure if you’re up to it is to drive east on 23rd Street from Iowa to the far east side of town, then turn around and come back at around 4:30 in the afternoon Monday through Friday, especially Friday!

By now, I hope you’ve guessed that someone out here agrees with you. And as you also indicated, the town that is trying to attract retirees also claims to be a bicycle-friendly town. So why am I so nervous about riding my bicycle anymore? Ask me sometime about getting deliberately rear-ended and bumped off the street just on my moped.

I would add one thing to your letter. Along with good brakes and quick reaction times, I would add “the good sense to not buy into everything the seniors are being sold to attract them here.”