Needless suffering

To the editor:

Once again, I have found another of Mr. Burkhead’s letters to be appalling! My father died at home while we tried  to administer morphine. My father suffered for no reason and the family suffered watching him die a slow, agonizing death. 

A most common theme throughout the New Testament is feeling and showing compassion. Mr. Burkhead is famous for quoting the Bible, yet still does not seem to comprehend what Jesus was about or the concept of human compassion. Certainly Jesus would have favored helping a suffering dying person end their lives in a dignified fashion. Don’t we take our pets when they are suffering to the vet to have them euthanized and should not humans be treated as fairly?

This is called being humane, Mr. Burkhead. If Jesus came back to Earth today, he would sissy smite you for corrupting his meaning and being so hateful!