Correct quote

To the editor:

Craig Tucker’s letter of Oct. 22 quoted Bill O’Reilly as saying “all terrorists are Muslims” from the well-publicized TV show “The View,” last week. That was the premise of his entire letter. In fact, Mr. O’Reilly did not say that. I was watching the show. He said, “Muslims killed us on 9-11, and 70 percent of Americans feel building that mosque on the site is inappropriate.”

Minutes later, on the show, after the uproar, Mr. O’Reilly apologized for not qualifying his comment to “Muslim terrorists” killed Americans on 9-11. I think we should forgive him the earlier comment in the heat of the moment, and under attack, I might add, from several members of the cast from “The View.”

And I forgive Mr. Tucker for not having his facts correct about Mr. O’Reilly’s comments. These things happen when we are passionate about what we believe!