Save our clean water

Editor’s note: Today’s letters to the editor are from Southwest Junior High students learning about persuasive writing.

To the editor:

We have to save clean water for our planet and ourselves. The United States wastes a lot of water. And in Africa, some governments have to trench pipe to bring water to them. Every country is running out of clean water. It doesn’t matter how hard the rain comes, we waste water faster than it can be replenished.

We are using a lot of chemicals and shampoo. That makes river and lake water dirty. About 70 percent of earth is covered with water. But the clean water amount is really small, 0.001% of the whole water supply is clean water. If you subtract just one liter of your average water usage, you can save more than $100 a year. Even though there is a lot of water in the ocean, we can’t drink it.

We have to stop wasting clean water.

Sungwon Choi,

Southwest Junior High