Statehouse Briefing

Sebelius says Palin’s novelty will wear off

Gov. Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday that the initial excitement surrounding the nomination of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be vice president on the Republican Party ticket will soon wear off and voters will return to focusing on the issues that affect them."The bottom line is that the voters, ...

Roberts, Slattery to debate at State Fair

**Goin' to the candidates' debate** Democrat Jim Slattery and Republican U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts square off for the first time Saturday at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson. The debate is scheduled to start at 11 a.m. at the AT&T arena, and is open to the public. The two candidates are ...

GOP in-fighting, NBAF struggles, electric rates, fossils

**Dust-up over KTRM release** On the eve of the final weekend before the Aug. 5 Republican Party primary, a group called Kansas Traditional Republican Majority issued a news release alleging a link between Republican candidates Phill Kline, Jim Ryun and an organization whose leader allegedly ...

State ends fiscal year down

The state has closed the books on fiscal year 2008, and total receipts were $41.7 million below estimates, which turns out to be less than a one percent miss.The fiscal year ran from June 30, 2007 to July 1. The state collected $5,694,924. That was 2 percent less than the previous fiscal year. ...

Health Policy group stays out of birth control fray

The Bush administration has proposed a rule that has raised opposition from more than 100 congressmen, and dozens of health, religious and research groups that say the measure would make it more difficult for women to get birth control.The groups say the proposal before the Department of Health ...

AARP upset with Brownback over Medicare vote

The Kansas chapter of AARP is unhappy with U.S. Sen. Sam Browback, R-Kan., who voted against a bill to prevent a 10.6 cut in reimbursements to health officials to treat Medicare patients. The measure eventually passed over President Bush's veto.Of Kansas' six member congressional delegation, ...