Statehouse Briefing

RNCC chair campaigning for Jenkins, Jordan

U.S. Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., who chairs the Republican National Congressional Committee, was in northeast Kansas today trying to help Republican congressional candidates Lynn Jenkins and Nick Jordan."They're both exceptional candidates," Cole said on his way to an event in Manhattan.Jenkins, ...

Polling data in on Kansas races; McCain comes to KC Monday

The Cook Political Report says that the 2nd Congressional DIstrict race between Republican Lynn Jenkins and Democratic incumbent Nancy Boyda is leaning Democratic.That means the race is competitive, but Boyda has an advantage. In previous assessments, the report had described the district, ...

Report says Sebelius really was a finalist for VP gig

[An article in the New Yorker][1] on Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden reports that presidential hopeful Barack Obama did consider selecting Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as his running mate.Obama had apparently asked Sebelius if she were vice president would she be interested in ...

Legislative leaders say ‘no’ to events in Kansas Capitol

TOPEKA - Legislative leaders on Monday voted to banish from the Capitol during the next legislative session the numerous events and functions that are traditionally held during the session."These groups will have to understand that we are in the process of construction," said Senate President ...

Slattery turns other cheek

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jim Slattery turned some heads with a "cheeky" TV ad that shows people going through their daily routine while wearing hospital gowns opened in the back.The ad, titled "Uncovered" is meant to highlight the disparity between the health insurance U.S. Sen. Pat ...

Back from trip, Boyda says Afghanistan’s security crucial

U.S. Rep. Nancy Boyda, D-Topeka, was part of a bipartisan congressional delegation that recently returned from a five-day trip to Afghanistan and Pakistan. "Security in this region is critical to global security and to the strategic interests of America," Boyda said. "While remote, ...