Rolling along

Beware of the Phrog

I’ve blogged before and likely will again that one of the nice things about bike commuting regularly is the connection to nature. And, no, I don’t necessarily mean in the hippy-dippy “Love Your Mother” sense. But it’s nice to be somewhat in tune with the weather, the seasons ...

Confessions of a crackhead

In a perfect world, we’d all cycle — and drive and scooter and longboard and rollerblade — on beautiful, pristine patches of velvety-smooth pavement. In reality, we’re forced to wheel along on bumpy, pot-holey, rutted slabs of various surfaces that, in Lawrence, at least, seem ...

On the hook for a rack; who’s with me?

Whenever possible (or necessary), I prefer to ride my bike to the doctor. I’ve pedaled there for bloodwork, regular check-ups, even a “minor procedure” that included only a bit of burning flesh. Unless I expect something that moves on its own to get lopped off, or I’m on the wrong ...

The ring’s the thing

I’ve struggled with a bad habit for years now. No, not hookers and blow. That was so last week. My bad habit is, I play with my wedding ring, almost compulsively. See, years ago, some wise old (married) gent advised me to buy my band big. The reasoning was that I wasn’t going to ...

From awful to awesome

Normally I wouldn’t use my blog to tell a potentially embarrassing story about my son. I prefer such embarrassment come in the real world, so I can see him squirm and relish in his discomfort. But I’ll make an exception this case. First of all, I’m not wholly sold on the ...