Rolling along

Sidewalk scofflaws

I read with interest the other day [the story][1] that Lawrence’s Bicycle Advisory Committee had discussed an old law that makes it illegal to ride a bike on some sidewalks. The ordinance, on the books since the 1970s, states, “It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle upon ...

Hole-y roller

I have a hole in my backside. Lest you think I'm trying to get all juvenile (as if) in pursuit of virtual eyeballs or even invoking a euphemism to get away with putting something dirty on the Interwebs (a first, I'm sure), rest assured my words are meant at face value. I honestly, ...

Confessions of a permed, paranoid base jumper

Not so long ago, I [blogged][1] about how dorky it is to wear a helmet when riding a bike. I wouldn’t be caught dead without one, mind you. I sorta like keeping what little I have inside my head, inside my head. But wearing a helmet just screams “DUFUS.” Or maybe it’s ...

Things that go bump in the night

I don’t remember starting to eat solid foods or walking for the first time. The whole potty-training thing is similarly fuzzy, too, though I imagine it was pretty traumatic; to this day my parents refuse to speak of it. But when it comes to childhood milestones and rites of passage and ...

Screw this, nail that

Spend enough time entrusting your life to a couple of thin strips of rubber and latex, and you’re bound to keep your eyes peeled for pricks. Normally, the greatest threat to my bike tires is glass, and in certain parts of the city on certain days, there’s plenty to dodge, hop and, ...

Root ‘n’ roll

“I saw you ride up on your bike.” It wasn’t so much the words uttered by the receptionist at the endodentist as the tone that rubbed me the wrong way. There was a sneer to my ear. It sounded a bit like that cute-but-bratty girl I sat next to in ninth-grade science, accusing me of ...