Eat Your Vegetables

Turn a BLT into an addicting AST Confession time: If you follow me on Twitter (@shhenning), you might already know that I’m pregnant. And probably going to have another kid just about any second now. In any case, as most of you know, pregnancy often comes with ...

The tale of the Thai dragon peppers I’m the garden planner in the family, but this year, the hubby made a special request after spotting the tag of a transplant at Vinland Valley Nursery: a Thai dragon pepper. Though the name alone was enough to conjure visions of ...

Chocolate zucchini muffins for the lunchbox I’ve started making the kiddo’s lunches for kindergarten, and, as any parent (or just anyone who has ever packed a sack lunch) knows, it’s sometimes difficult to make sure you’re including the right amount of food. Too much and ...

Lunchbox ideas The kiddo has been talking about bringing his lunch to school for more than a year. In the days before he started preschool, he asked if this is the year he could bring his lunch. We said no (because of school policy), but that he ...

Turning tomatillos into salsa verde Recently at the [Lawrence Farmers' Market][1], my husband spotted some great-looking tomatillos — those little green husk tomatoes that add tart and tang wherever they go. We immediately scooped them up and begun to make plans for ...

When life gives you bananas, you make muffins We buy a LOT of bananas. We use at least two a day in the morning smoothie that the kiddo and I share. Plus they're perfect for pre-workout snacks, after-school snacks and [banana ice soft serve][1] for dessert. But, sometimes, just ...