Either something strange is happening in the Kansas electorate, or there's something wrong with recent polling in the top two races in Kansas.
Based on polls released just in the past week, Republican Sen. Pat Roberts could be five points up, or 10 points down, or anywhere in between, in his ...
**Latest polling**
Two new polls came out over the weekend that may indicate a shift in races for governor and U.S. Senate. Or, they may not.
One came from [NBC and Marist College][1] purportedly showing a dead heat in the governor's race and a 10-point lead for independent candidate Greg ...
**Top Republicans still trailing**
A new, independent poll out this week confirms again what other polls have been saying for weeks, that Sen. Pat Roberts and Gov. Sam Brownback are both trailing behind their challengers, but not by insurmountable margins.
The [Suffolk University/USA ...
Some number of people in Kansas — it's not really clear how many — are eagerly awaiting a decision from the Shawnee County District Court about whether Democrats will be required to name a candidate for the U.S. Senate.
In the meantime, a new look at the polls in that race shows why it ...
While Sen. Pat Roberts is hosting national Republican figures to help out in his re-election campaign, another national figure is weighing in on the race, accusing the Kansas senator of being a “congenital liar” who was complicit in allowing U.S. intelligence agencies to engage in ...
Republican Sen. Pat Roberts is about to get some help from the National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund, which [endorsed him][1] for re-election earlier this month, based in part on his opposition to requiring background checks for all gun sales.
The [Washington Post][2] and the ...