National Columns

The Washington Post, beginning Nov. 1, 2019, will allow its syndicated columns to appear only in print. The columns will still be available as part of our e-edition newspaper online, but they will not be available as separate pieces on our website, These columnists include George Will, David Ignatius, Michael Gerson and others. This does not affect other columnists like Leonard Pitts, Mona Charen, Connie Schultz and Mark Shields, who are not affiliated with the Washington Post.

Opinion: The Roberts court is a grave insult to the people

Chief Justice John Roberts, meet Roger Taney, your history big brother. Abraham Lincoln despised Taney as the legal upholder of white supremacy but had to suffer being sworn in by the old Maryland scarecrow in 1861. In that fraught March moment, the dark past and bright future of America ...

Opinion: Biden-Trump ‘vibes’ debate matters

I’ve changed my mind: This week’s presidential debate matters. Before I continue, a quick recap: Last month, I expressed my long-standing view that presidential debates aren’t very meaningful and are very stupid. They are pseudo-events, the historian Daniel J. Boorstin’s term for ...

Opinion: Older voters may rescue democracy

The mystery of why older voters are polling strongly for Joe Biden is not a mystery at all. True, they tend to be conservative and have traditionally preferred Republican presidential candidates. White voters over 65 voted for Donald Trump in both 2016 and 2020. The reason these ...

Opinion: Why I’m scared about the presidential debate

I’m 78 today, and I’m terrified about what might come down Thursday evening when the oldest candidates ever to compete in a presidential race debate each other. I’m less worried that Biden will suffer a mental lapse or physically stumble than I am that Biden will look weak and Trump ...

Opinion: Nikki Haley is still the strongest VP pick

As far as we know, Nikki Haley isn’t on the short list, nor on the long list. There’s no indication that she’s being considered as Trump’s VP pick, and Trump forcefully smacked down a report in Axios that the campaign was looking at her. She’d still probably be the choice who, ...

Opinion: Commandments law is just pandering

Up front, I want to say this: I have no problem with the Ten Commandments. They’re solid, as far as life rules go. Of course, there are at least seven different versions, there are more than 10 of them, and they make now-unnecessary references to things like graven images and the coveting ...