National Columns

The Washington Post, beginning Nov. 1, 2019, will allow its syndicated columns to appear only in print. The columns will still be available as part of our e-edition newspaper online, but they will not be available as separate pieces on our website, These columnists include George Will, David Ignatius, Michael Gerson and others. This does not affect other columnists like Leonard Pitts, Mona Charen, Connie Schultz and Mark Shields, who are not affiliated with the Washington Post.

Opinion: The lies that undermine America

Speaking at a rally on Saturday, Trump repeated his lie that the last presidential election was stolen from him, and again raised doubts about the integrity of the upcoming election. “We need to watch the vote. We need to guard the vote. We need to stop the steal,” he said. How can we ...

Opinion: Biden’s America is doing very well

Life is not perfect in Joe Biden’s America, but when was it ever perfect? Just looking at the numbers, though, things are pretty great. Stock prices are hitting record highs. Unemployment is at its lowest level in 50 years. Violent crime — murder, rape, aggravated assault and robbery ...

Opinion: If you’ve noticed, it’s Charlottesville every day now

Every day is a Charlottesville now, but hardly anyone notices. The small central Virginia city is a metonymy for the 2017 white nationalist “Unite the Right” rally that created national shock waves and rocked the presidency of Donald J. Trump. The antisemitic rhetoric and menacing ...

Opinion: Some talk of bringing back the draft

Don’t get nervous, young folks, but talk about a national service mandate has been bubbling up again in Washington. Such talk has been particularly vigorous among key advisers to Donald Trump as he begins what he hopes will be his transition back to the White House. Of course, talk of ...

Opinion: Stop putting people in the closet in the first place

Actress Sophia Bush posted a story on Instagram that read “Pride is important because someone tonight still believes they’re better off dead than being themselves.” I’ve seen it shared many times since, and it has me thinking about why people so painfully feel they must hide their ...

Opinion: The West is sick of new woke jihadism

What are the mobs in Washington defiling iconic federal statues with impunity and pelting policemen really protesting? What are the throngs in London brazenly swarming parks and rampaging in the streets really angry about? Occupations? They could care less that the Islamist Turkish ...