National Columns

The Washington Post, beginning Nov. 1, 2019, will allow its syndicated columns to appear only in print. The columns will still be available as part of our e-edition newspaper online, but they will not be available as separate pieces on our website, These columnists include George Will, David Ignatius, Michael Gerson and others. This does not affect other columnists like Leonard Pitts, Mona Charen, Connie Schultz and Mark Shields, who are not affiliated with the Washington Post.

Opinion: Misusing the Ten Commandments

Walking through Roger Williams Park in Providence, Rhode Island, I came upon a moss-covered monolith listing the Ten Commandments. This was some time ago, but knowing the objections then being made to placing religious artifacts in public places, I thought, “This stone won’t be here for ...

Opinion: What about Trump’s incoherent ramblings?

A few weeks ago, at a rally in Nevada, Trump told his followers that boat manufacturers are now required to use electric engines. He claimed that someone at a boat company in South Carolina told him, “It’s a problem, sir. They want us to make all-electric boats.” (There is no such ...

Opinion: What Zelenskyy can learn from the Winter War of 1939-40

In early World War II, on Nov. 30, 1939, a Soviet-Russian army invaded Finland in a surprise massive attack. The Finns were eventually outnumbered nearly 3 to 1. The population of the Soviet Union in 1940 was 50 times larger than that of Finland’s. Finland’s former anti-Soviet ally, Nazi ...

Opinion: Omnicause: the ‘fatberg’ of activism

When does political protest seem to become an end in itself? Climate firebrand Greta Thunberg, 21, seems to  raise that question when looking at photos of her arrest last month outside the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmo, Sweden. Wearing a black-and-white keffiyeh scarf and shouting, ...

Opinion: It’s time to save our republic from this Supreme Court

The Supreme Court’s decision in the presidential immunity case Trump v. United States issued on July 1 has made clear what’s at stake in the November elections. It’s whether the American republic survives. Sanford Levinson of the University of Texas Law School has written: “The ...

Opinion: Please stop obsessing over population

Americans have this big obsession over population numbers. One reason is that reports related to population come with numbers. Numbers give politicians and journalists something concrete to either agonize or crow over. The problem with this approach is that the numbers don’t necessarily ...