Letter: Moran, Marshall, Mann, please reconsider

To the Editor:

An open letter to Senators Moran and Marshall and Representative Mann.

Donald Trump said that God saved him so he could make America great again. But NO GOD known to me or my Christian and Jewish friends would sanction Trump’s inhumane, illegal actions that rip away health security, job security, and basic civil rights. He is directly attacking the health and welfare of millions, at home and abroad which affects all of us.

He is ignoring the Constitution (which he swore to uphold) and defying the American courts. He is stealing the prerogatives of our elected representatives. He is deliberately undermining the American system of democratic, representative government. This is no exaggeration: I am saying only what has been experienced and reported all over the country.

You, as our representatives, should be supporting your constituents in Kansas–farmers, teachers, children, who are already beginning to suffer because of Trump’s policies. Even if you believe that the government needs to be made smaller, surely your consciences should tell you this is NOT the way to go about it.

For the well-being of your constituents and the country, you, as American patriots, must reconsider your support of this lawless, imperial administration.

Anne Fowler,
