Letter: Just win elections, Democrats
To the Editor,
Democrats arguing about the Continuing Budget Resolution is one of the most futile uses of energy I can imagine. Letting it pass or trying to delay it with a government shutdown – neither would’ve advanced the Democratic agenda or helped our imperiled country and world.
Only one thing will help Democrats stem and reverse the onslaught of illegal toxic sludge that is the Trump administration.
Win elections.
Anything else just delays the Trump agenda to turn our nation into a smoking crater ruled by oligarchs who are ruled in turn by the Russian asset and convicted criminal Trump.
Court fights; street demonstrations; writing and calling elected representatives; letters to editors; monetary contributions; all are helpful, but none even together is enough. Certainly arguing over equally hideous budget alternatives only helps take our country down. Vote conscience then get back to the work that counts: winning elections.
I can hear top Democratic Party officials respond, “We know that!” But do they? Everything I’ve seen, read and heard in mainstream and alternative media shows no clue and no strategy. So I say, “Snap out of it! Win elections!”
I understand if Democrats can’t win the two special elections in Florida that could tip control of the House. But my understanding won’t stop the democratic slide to irrelevance or the complete victory of Trump lawlessness. Go! Win!
Democratic Party! Stop everything not directly aimed at winning elections. Get in gear. Win elections!
Gary Henry,