Letter: Support for Brown County sheriff and marijuana arrest

To the editor:

I am writing in response to the article written by Chris Conde and published July 15th. I understand two ‘educators’ were pulled over while reportedly speeding with drugs in the car after transporting said drugs across state lines before they could make it over the state line to Nebraska. (Marijuana is not legal in Nebraska either.)

They were arrested and booked into the Brown county jail where they found themselves unimpressed with the booking process. Might I recommend not breaking the law? Blaming law enforcement for your conduct may work in your liberal city. It wont get you far in Brown county. We support our law enforcement in our community without playing woke identity politics while playing the victim.

Instead of screaming “Don’t be brown in Brown County”, may I suggest “Don’t break the law………anywhere”. Simple enough for our residents.

These two “educators”, one white, one black, were both treated the same. Only one screams racism. Your black privilege politics may get you somewhere in the area you live, but not here. Drive around our county, we encourage it. Our kids and community have no need for your drugs, or your woke mind virus.

I applaud our conservative and constitutional sheriff. Thank you Sheriff Merchant!

Chris E. Kroll

Chairman, Brown County GOP