Letter to the editor: Officials AWOL
To the editor:
Dear Kansas U.S. Senators and Representatives:
If he is allowed to continue on his current path, he won’t have to primary you; your voters will do it for him — enough conservatives, all moderates and all liberals — even in conservative Kansas. And if he allows Russia to retain significant parts of Ukraine you’d best not count on support from conservative defense hawks; it’s obvious to us that any territorial gain by Russia will be seen by Putin as a win and proof of the West’s weakness. He’ll rebuild his military, and in a few years do it again. Other autocratic leaders throughout the world will see it the same as Putin.
I’ve lived through a lot that our country has done, but our treatment of Ukraine and other allies — abandonment and extortion — causes me for the first time to be flat out ashamed to be a citizen of the U.S. Why aren’t you?
Are you really intending to remain sitting silently as he tramples our Constitution, enriches himself and his family and his cronies, endears himself to dictators, and abandons and extorts our allies? Where are you?
We elected you to represent us in D.C.; this includes protecting us from autocratic, wanna-be-dictator leaders, elected or not. You’re losing the votes of most of the people I know, many of us lifelong Republicans, some having voted for Mr. Trump and now deeply regretting having done so.
When are you going to stand up to him?
Tom Hoffman,