Letter to the editor: In our name?
To the editor:
I just finished reading the AP article in the Journal-World stating that the Trump administration plans to cut foreign assistance funding through USAID by 90%. Trump is wagering that the American people don’t care about starving children in third-world countries. Is he right? The article dismisses said aid as just part of the “liberal agenda,” including the HIV/AIDS program initiated by the well-known liberal George W. Bush, which is credited with saving more than 20 million lives in Africa over the past decade. An attempt in the courts to block this cessation of funding has been temporarily reversed by Trump’s personal lawyer, Chief Justice John Roberts, so for now the plan can go forward. We, as the American people have to decide if we really want this callous disregard for foreign lives to be ascribed to our will, or, for the religious among us, ask ourselves, “What would Jesus do?”
Steven Bruner,