Letter to the editor: No courage in GOP
To the editor:
On April 19, 1775, 77 Minutemen began the colonists’ fight for freedom against the mighty British Empire. Later, 700 colonists joined the fight. They had no chance of winning, yet their love of freedom lent them courage. Now, in 2025, 250 years later from that battle, we have 218 Republican House and Senate legislators cowering in their offices for fear of being primaried when they run for reelection. Or maybe they have just forgotten their oaths of office or what the Battle of Lexington was all about.
British troops were on their way to seize and destroy arms of rebellious colonists ln 1775 when courageous everyday men and women of what would become the United States rose up to stop them. Now, in 2025, Trump and his minions are on their way to seize and destroy our Constitution and Republican office-holders are meekly stepping aside. For more than two centuries, everyday Americans have put their lives on the line to save our country. Where is that courage today? Certainly not in the offices or hearts of Republican senators and representatives.
I don’t know if it matters, but I enlisted in the Marine Corps at age 19 and served in Vietnam in 1966.
David Hann,