Letter to the editor: Save women’s sports
To the editor:
I’m writing in support of women’s sports remaining women’s sports. What ever happened to the idea of making rules for the greatest good for the greatest number? The transgender population of the U.S. is somewhere between 1% and 10%. The population of women in the U.S. has remained steady at about 51% to 52%. Allowing transgender women to compete against biological women seems very skewed to the benefit of the minority and provides only injustice to the majority of biological women.
If transgender women want to compete in sports, perhaps there needs to be a new entitlement rule that establishes equal but separate sports and locker rooms for them, and not at the expense of the majority, which are the biological women. If there are three or four types of genders, there should be equality for each. After all, this was the reasoning behind separating women’s sport from men’s sports and providing equal facilities for both in the first place — “The greatest good for the greatest number.” I know people will scream about the expense, but justice for the majority of biological women is the payoff that should prevail.
John T. McQuitty,