Letter to the editor: Kobach and the LGBTQ agenda
To the editor:
“Kobach sues over federal protections for LGBTQ+ students” (Journal-World, May 16) reads like an editorial written by his detractors. One comment by Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly deserves special mention. “I wish that we would focus on issues that really make a difference in Kansan’s lives.” Apparently the Journal-World didn’t share her opinion. They placed the article at the top of the front page.
Actually the LGBTQ+ agenda is making a big difference. Did you know, for instance, that J.K. Rowling publicly defied a new transgender hate crime law in Scotland? “Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland,” she wrote, “if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal.” Or did you know about the homosexual men filing suit against New York City? They claim the city’s health insurance discriminates against male same-sex couples by denying them coverage for IVF of a surrogate. Or did you know about the parents in Maryland who wanted their children excused from reading books endorsing LGBTQ themes? The school denied their request. A district court then ruled against them with the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upholding that ruling. Or did you know about Isabelle-Ayala’s suit against the American Academy of Pediatrics for civil conspiracy, medical malpractice, gross negligence and fraud regarding her “gender-affirming care”? Yes indeed, the LGBTQ+ agenda is making quite a difference. No wonder Kobach wants to minimize it in Kansas.
Michael Riley,