Letter to the editor: No airport expansion

To the editor:

Earlier this year the City Commission correctly allocated $100,000 for a study about the future of our municipal airport. Now, the prospect of having a new Chiefs football stadium, a new Royals baseball park (or maybe even both!) built at the Legends commercial zone has popped up.

If that happens, the highways will be clogged on game days and so will the skyways!

For the Superbowl, 90 jets owned by corporations and uber wealthy individuals were parked at Las Vegas area airports. Others had to drop off people and go elsewhere to park. The owners can afford the millions of gallons of jet fuel, but the planet can’t. Let’s not spend huge sums to create parking for private jets that will certainly zoom in for games. Our current runways are more than adequate for training and normal commercial and recreational prop and jet operations.

We must stick to our community goals of reducing our carbon footprint, protecting the environment and inhibiting global warming. A life-long aviation enthusiast and pilot, I based my plane, N8344E, here in Lawrence. I’m not anti-aviation nor anti-sports. But, we can’t talk climate protection while encouraging largesse by big spenders with big egos and no concern for the environment!

Graham Kreicker,
