Letter to the editor: Some questions after Trump’s convictions

To the editor:

A former president of this country has been convicted of multiple felonies by a jury of his peers in a state court of New York. In response, his minions have chosen to ignore the facts and the law, and instead have loudly attacked the entire criminal justice system.

So, by extension, does this mean that: (1) all police are to be condemned when there is a George Floyd-type incident?; (2) all priests and scoutmasters are to be condemned when a single incident of abuse is reported?; (3) all doctors are to be condemned when a single incident of malpractice occurs?; and (4) all politicians are to be condemned when one of them pays a hooker hush money to avoid exposure during a campaign and then lies about the payments?

By the logic, such as it is, of the misguided followers of an immoral man not worthy of their trust and adulation, the answer is apparently “Yes.” What a country we live in!

Jeff Southard,
