Letter to the editor: We must save our democracy

To the editor:

This year we face a threat as perilous as World War II, which I lived through. As was the case then, we must make an extraordinary effort to save our democracy. We must set political allegiances aside and join the fight as united American citizens.

If you prefer democracy to a dictatorship. If you appreciate the protections and freedoms provided within the Constitution. Then, you and all like-minded Republicans, Democrats and Independents must temporarily join forces and vote against a man whose utterances and actions are clearly contemptuous of a democracy.

As an American citizen for 92 years (and an Independent), I dread what will happen if we remain divided over such a petty matter as party loyalty. I say this to the generations which have followed mine: The torch has been passed to you. I hope you can summon the honor, courage, integrity, good sense and patriotism that it will take to save our country.

Patrick Shannon,
