Letter to the editor: Freedom vs. authoritarianism
To the editor:
This is in response to your articles about Russia posted from the AP in Tallinn, Estonia: Feb. 6 and 22.
As you reported, Putin’s conservative, authoritarian government has rewritten history and greatly restricted rights, not only freedom of the press but even a ban on displaying a rainbow flag, which they have deemed “extremist activism.” This lack of free speech has been imposed on the citizens under the guise of “traditional family values.”
Right-wing conservatives in America seem to be wanting the same thing. The MAGA followers want “traditional family values” legislated and enforced. Conspiracy (e.g., QAnon) followers’ code for each other is WWG1WGA, which stands for, “Where We Go 1 We Go All.”
Both seem to be saying that everyone has to think alike — there is just one way to see or be. They say, “We are all good and they are all bad.” One of their primary motivations is “replacement theory”–the white majority is being pushed out by minorities. This binary, black/white, dualistic thinking stands against pluralism, diversity, equity and inclusion — freedom.
My question is: Do conservative Americans who claim high patriotism and traditional family values now want an authoritarian government that restricts the freedoms of its citizens? Democracy hangs in the balance!
Timothy J. Bonner,