Letter to the editor: Think before you vote
To the editor:
In a letter to the editor, Dana Anderson writes that when he’s asked about Trump, he responds: “I’m not voting for Trump,” explaining he votes for freedom of speech and religion, the right to self-defense, judges protecting the Constitution, stock market growth, support for veterans, police, law and order, American jobs, secure borders, Middle East peace, an end to human/child trafficking. Voting for these things, he reasons, is voting for Trump.
Mr. Anderson would find it easier if he could just proclaim his admiration for Trump. But he can’t. Trump is too many things Anderson is not. I’ve heard only good things about Dana Anderson who is recognized as honest, generous, unconnected to questionable business practices, e.g., Trump University, casino bankruptcies that left tradesmen/suppliers unpaid. I’d doubt he counts among his inner circle anyone famous for serially cheating on wives or tried and found guilty of sexual assault and fraud. The justification offered is that you don’t have to admire Trump to vote for him, wanting the things Trump promises he’ll give us.
But beyond whether it’s ever wise to ignore character and give a transactional vote trusting in promises from the likes of Trump, shouldn’t we first consider whether a vote for Harris imperils any of the things on Mr. Anderson’s list? Can the stock market do much better? While we’re at it we should also take the time to look up the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. Is it wise to trust the presidency to a man you would not trust with your wallet or a $5 bet on the golf course?
William Skepnek,