Letter to the editor: Poor shelter planning
To the editor:
I was not surprised that there were no bidders to run the new pallet shelter project. From my limited dealing with trying to help the homeless, it’s hard to imagine a more thankless and difficult task. Not only have city officials failed to calculate the long-term cost of running this project (utilities, insurance, repairs), but they have yet to determine eligibility requirements to live in these shelters. Will this be up to the new manager?
Having unsuccessfully argued, over the past three years, on developing a set of rules for those camping on public property, I’m skeptical that solid provisions will be established whereby pallet-residents are required to help maintain these dwellings. Moreover, just like the tent-city mess in North Lawrence (and in several other areas around the city), there appears no willingness on the part of city officials to enforce even basic laws regarding open drug/alcohol use, litter and sanitation.
Maybe the pallet shelter project will prove to be an overwhelming success, where residents are given the opportunity to get their lives on a better track and learn to become contributing members in our community. And maybe city officials should consider contacting the U.S. Marine Corps for insights.
Ray Finch,