Letter to the editor: Climate issues

To the editor:

I am as concerned about global warming as the next guy, maybe more so since I have grandchildren. They will be affected by whatever changes occur. I certainly would do anything to help preserve a good quality of life for them, anything at all … within reason, of course. In order to help them sometime off in the future, I should not have to totally lose my quality of life now — for instance, by seeing wind turbines. Maybe turbines are all right somewhere else but definitely not in Douglas County. I fully understand the threat of carbon emissions, but that does not mean I should have to give up my turbo-SUV just because it produces some CO2. And no one would expect me to stop eating my K.C. strip or roast beef just because of a little methane.

I worked hard for many years and now have retired in some degree of comfort. I want to do my share, but I would not want to pay for anything very expensive or anything that might have a bad effect on my Exxon stock or anything that might curtail my enjoyment of the lifestyle I have earned. We all should pitch in and do whatever we can to avoid worldwide disaster, but not get all crazy about it. I already have started recycling my plastic water bottles. There probably is something more I can think of. You should do something, too, if it’s reasonable.

Joe Douglas,



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