Letter to the editor: Our common color

To the editor:

Once again we see the words “people of color” on the front page of the Journal-World. Much has been written about this phrase, but it seems to be primarily just another way to say nonwhite people. Isn’t this fundamentally discriminatory? While it may currently be politically correct, I find it offensive and confusing.

Why must we continue to identify humans based on the color of their skin pigment? There may be a tribal evolutionary tendency to fear those who don’t look like us, but we should endeavor to minimize such distinctions in a world where diversity is becoming the norm. Why not use more meaningful and universal characteristics to differentiate people, like intelligence, honesty, compassion and integrity? In this specific case, “people of greater ethnic diversity” would work as well.

If nonwhites have color, does that make whites colorless? I am white, and that is a color. Therefore I am a person of color too! We are all the color human. Let’s act that way.

Bill Klein,
