From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 14, 1990:The Kansas Supreme Court this week ruled that Douglas County's 1985 bond issue to help finance the proposed south Lawrence trafficway was legal. "I'm very happy about it," said Mike Amyx, Douglas County Commission chairman. "I'm sure the ...
From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 14, 1975:Tellers at University State Bank this week recognized an attempt to pass a bogus check and had notified police in time for three persons to be apprehended on forgery charges. Authorities arrested the three, who were all from Denver, on ...
From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 14, 1915:"The mischievous automobilists who have been flashing the lights from their cars around too promiscuously had better be careful for the cops will get them if they don't watch out. At the regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners ...
When Don McDow first suggested the idea of a “sidewalk bazaar” in 1959 to other business owners in downtown Lawrence, he got a mixed reaction. “Some people are opposed to a new idea no matter how good it is,” McDow said, noting that while some were on board, others were hesitant. At the ...
From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 13, 1990:In Jefferson County, authorities were waiting to discuss a June 2 arson fire near Perry with a man who was currently out of the area. The county sheriff's deputy Rick Jones said that a man believed to have information about the fire or to ...
From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 13, 1915:"The regular meeting of the Social Service League yesterday afternoon took preliminary steps toward realizing on the speculation of months past relating to a combined city and county hospital, by discussing ways and means, possible sites, ...