Political discussions, theater, cinema, music and more on tap

photo by: Dole Institute of Politics
Friday, March 7
First Friday Coffee and Coworking at LPL, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Lawrence Public Library, Meeting Room A, 707 Vermont St. Remote workers and entrepreneurs meet for networking, collaboration or just a change of scenery. Coffee provided. No registration needed.
Lawrence St. Patrick’s Day Parade Charity Auction, doors 5 p.m., dinner 6 p.m., live auction 7 p.m., Maceli’s, 1031 New Hampshire St. See lawrencestpatricksdayparade.com for ticket info and auction preview.
First Friday Game Night, 6 p.m.-close, Dexter’s Grill, 3115 W. Sixth St. Free admission; food available for purchase. Bring your favorite games or try some on site.
BLACK Lawrence Open Mic Night, 7 p.m., 10th & Mass Studios, 1000 Massachusetts St., Suite D. Free admission ($10 suggested donation).
KU Theatre Presents: “John Proctor is the Villain,” 7 p.m., Inge Theatre, 1530 Naismith Drive. See kutheatre.com for ticket information.
Film screening: “Blue Velvet” (1986), 7 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., Liberty Hall, 644 Massachusetts St. See libertyhall.net for tickets.
Melissa Nelson, Performance Crop Research: “Hemp,” 7-8 p.m., Watkins Museum of History, 1047 Massachusetts St. Free in-person and online event; see watkinsmuseum.org for info and links.
Annual fundraiser: After Hours at the Library, 7-9:15 p.m., Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont St. See lplafterhours.com for registration.
Opening Night: “Chicken and Biscuits,” 7:30 p.m., Theatre Lawrence, 4660 Bauer Farm Drive. See theatrelawrence.com for ticket information.
Recital: “KU Students Celebrate Latin American Composers,” 7:30 p.m., Swarthout Recital Hall, 1530 Naismith Drive. Free admission.
Saturday, March 8
2025 Opening Day: City of Lawrence Compost Facility, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., 1420 E. 11th St. Self-load; proof of City of Lawrence residency required. See lawrenceks.org for more information.
“Marvelous Medieval Marginalia: Drawings, Doodles, and Notes on the Edges of Readers’ Imaginations,” 10 a.m., Spencer Research Library, 1450 Poplar Lane. Free and open to the public.
Second Saturday Book Sale, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont St. Books, CDs, DVDs and audiobooks; all titles $2 or less. Enter through main library doors.
Author Event: Rachel Ignotofsky, “What’s Inside a Caterpillar Cocoon?” 10:30 a.m., Raven Book Store, 809 Massachusetts St.
Panel Discussion: Dr. Ashley Bloom, “The Political Determinants of Maternal Health,” 2:30 p.m., Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont St.
Lawrence Barn Dance Association: Contra Dance with Coreopsis and caller Jill Allen, 6:30 p.m. doors, 7 p.m. beginners lesson, 7:30-10 p.m. dance, Woodlawn Elementary School, 508 Elm St. See lawrencebarndance.org for admission fees.
KU Theatre Presents: “John Proctor is the Villain,” 7 p.m., Inge Theatre, 1530 Naismith Drive. See kutheatre.com for ticket information.
“Songs from Ireland 2025” with Carswell & Hope and Friends, 7 p.m., Liberty Hall, 644 Massachusetts St. See venue box office or Ticketmaster for tickets.
“Chicken and Biscuits,” 7:30 p.m., Theatre Lawrence, 4660 Bauer Farm Drive. See theatrelawrence.com for ticket information.
Lawrence Community Orchestra: “Novelletten,” 7:30-9:30 p.m., Plymouth Congregational Church, 925 Vermont St. See lawrenceorchestra.org for “pay as you wish” ticket information.
Sunday, March 9
Repair Studio + Skill Share, 12:45-1:45 p.m. and 2-4 p.m., Lawrence Public Library auditorium, 707 Vermont St. Bring broken items, meet with fix-it mentors to troubleshoot repairs. Earlier session includes tutorial on sewing on buttons.
March English Dance, beginner lesson 1:30 p.m., dance 2-4:30 p.m., Sinkers Lounge, 722 Massachusetts St. Sliding scale entrance fee.
Free Wildlife Hike, 2 p.m., Prairie Park Nature Center, 2730 Harper St.
Kansas Virtuosi Chamber Music Concert: “Harmonies of Latin America,” 2 p.m., Swarthout Recital Hall, Murphy Hall, 1530 Naismith Drive. Free admission.
Slow Art Sunday: “Steel Wool Peignoir,” 2-3 p.m., Spencer Museum of Art, 1301 Mississippi St. Free admission.
KU Theatre Presents: “John Proctor is the Villain,” 2 p.m., Inge Theatre, 1530 Naismith Drive. See kutheatre.com for ticket information.
“Chicken and Biscuits,” 2:30 p.m., Theatre Lawrence, 4660 Bauer Farm Drive. See theatrelawrence.com for ticket information.
Olivier Latry, organ, 4 p.m., Bales Organ Recital Hall, Lied Center, 1600 Stewart Drive, see lied.ku.edu for tickets.
Lawrence St. Patrick’s Day Parade Royal Candidates and Coronation, 5 p.m., Arterra, 2161 Quail Creek Drive. Free admission, but cost for dinner; see lawrencestpatricksdayparade.com for reservations.
Film screening: “Lost Highway” (1997), 7 p.m., Liberty Hall, 644 Massachusetts St. See libertyhall.net for tickets.
Monday, March 10
Hike for Health, 5:30 p.m., Rock Chalk Park, 233 Rock Chalk Lane. Ages 14+, see lprd.org for enrollment and fee payment.
Kaw Valley Bluebird Society Spring Meeting, 6 p.m., Raintree Montessori School, 4601 Clinton Parkway. New interested persons are welcome.
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein: “Journey to the Edge of Space-Time,” 7 p.m., Hall Center for the Humanities, 900 Sunnyside Ave. Quantum radiation, black holes, humanity’s attempts to understand space-time questions. Hybrid event; see calendar.ku.edu for link.
KU Sinfonietta Concert, 7:30 p.m., Swarthout Recital Hall, Murphy Hall, 1530 Naismith Drive. Free and open to the public.
Tuesday, March 11
“Educate & Act – Legislature 101: Understanding the Ins and Outs of the Kansas Legislature,” 5:30-6:30 p.m. Hybrid event; see calendar.ku.edu.
Treble Choir Invitational Festival performance, 6 p.m., Lied Center Pavilion, 1600 Stewart Drive.
“Flew the Coop Session: Library Post-Mortem,” 6-7 p.m., Lawrence Public Library Sound + Vision Studio, 707 Vermont St. Behind-the-scenes look at music video creation.
KU Theatre Presents: “John Proctor is the Villain,” 7 p.m., Inge Theatre, 1530 Naismith Drive. See kutheatre.com for ticket information.
KU Wind Ensemble, 7:30 p.m., Lied Center, 1600 Stewart Drive; see lied.ku.edu for ticket information.
Wednesday, March 12
Lawrence Music Alliance: Music Business Helpdesk & Office Hours, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Lawrence Public Library Sound + Vision Studio, 707 Vermont St. Resources for local musicians on booking, management, grants and more.
Author talk: Dan Heath, “Power of Reset and How to Change What’s Not Working,” 1-2 p.m. Online event; see lplks.org for details. Registration required.
“The President and the Judiciary,” 4-5:15 p.m., Dole Institute, 2350 Petefish Drive. Hybrid event; see doleinstitute.org for link.
Museum After Hours: “Celebrating 150 Years at the Kansas Historical Society,” 5:30 p.m. Hybrid event; see kansashistory.gov for more information.
Community Resiliency Working Session, 6 p.m., Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont St.
KU Theatre Presents: “John Proctor is the Villain,” 7 p.m., Inge Theatre, 1530 Naismith Drive. See kutheatre.com for ticket information.
Nerd Nite: “No Space Like Home,” doors 7:30 p.m., event 8-10:30 p.m., Maceli’s, 1031 New Hampshire St.
Thursday, March 13
“Burk, Buds and Branches: Woodland Walk at the Fitch Reservation,” 5-7 p.m., meet at Suzanne Ecke McColl Nature Reserve, 2055 E. 1600 Road. Slow-paced, two-mile walk.
Panel Discussion: “Food 4 Thought: The Power of Women Fighting Food Insecurity,” 6-8 p.m., Cider Gallery, 810 Pennsylvania St. RSVP at harvesters.org.
Author Event: Silvia Park, “Luminous,” 7 p.m., Raven Book Store, 809 Massachusetts St.
Severe Weather Training Session, 7-9 p.m., Capitol Federal Hall, Room 1111, 1654 Naismith Drive.
Lawrence Beer and Hymns, 7 p.m., Delaware Street Commons, 1222 Delaware St. Community singing meet-up. Donations welcome to cover space rental.
KU Theatre Presents: “John Proctor is the Villain,” 7 p.m., Inge Theatre, 1530 Naismith Drive. See kutheatre.com for ticket information.
Discussion: Astronomy Associates of Lawrence, “Total Lunar Eclipse, Part 1,” 7-8 p.m., Lawrence Public Library auditorium, 707 Vermont St.
“Chicken and Biscuits,” 7:30 p.m., Theatre Lawrence, 4660 Bauer Farm Drive. See theatrelawrence.com for ticket information.
Astronomy Public Night, 7:30-9 p.m., Slawson Hall, 1420 Naismith Drive. Planetarium shows at 7:30 p.m. and 8 p.m., rain or shine; stargazing and telescope viewing starting at 7:30 p.m. All ages welcome, no registration required.