Heavy machinery clearing Massachusetts Street; most downtown businesses still closed day after weekend storm
photo by: Kim Callahan/Journal-World
Free State Brewery owner Chuck Magerl was out clearing snow and ice off the restaurant’s sidewalk Monday, but he did not have much company as most restaurants and businesses downtown were closed after the weekend storm.
Magerl’s brewery was closed as well. He said between suppliers not being able to reach downtown and employees having difficulties getting to work, it didn’t make much sense to open Monday, but he hoped to be back in business Tuesday.
photo by: Kim Callahan/Journal-World
In addition to those concerns, shared by many businesses, portions of Massachusetts Street were blocked off as heavy equipment cleared snow that plows had pushed up into small mountains. Once full of snow, trucks made a steady convoy to North Lawrence to dump their loads near the Kansas River.
The storm, which began Saturday, was one of the largest in recent memory, necessitating the closure of state highways and shutting down many services.